Health Center to Provide Healthcare Services to
Las Palmas Medical Center Employees and Dependents

EL PASO, Texas — Las Palmas Medical Center, part of the HCA Central and West Texas Division, and Health to You (H2U) announced today the opening of a health center for the hospital’s employees and their dependents, which includes approximately 1,200 individuals. H2U is a national network of clinics designed to be quick access, primary care clinics for employees within HCA and local business partners. This Las Palmas Medical Center health clinic will open May 7 and will be located near the Las Palmas Medical Center campus at 3333 N Mesa St.

The health clinic will also be available to employees of a select number of local businesses who partner with Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare, which includes Las Palmas Medical Center and Del Sol Medical Center, to offer these same convenient health services to their employees and dependents. Participating employers would tap into this resource and save money on healthcare by paying a negotiated cost, lower than the market rate, through H2U. Del Sol Medical Center opened a similar clinic near its campus in July 2013, which also offers local business participants an additional access point to care.

The health center will offer a broad range of services, including:

  • Acute/episodic care
  • Preventive care, like health screenings
  • Medication dispensing
  • Chronic condition coordination
  • Laboratory collection and testing services
  • Telemedicine (virtual visits)
  • Supplementary flu shots

“Accessible healthcare is important for all employees, including those in the healthcare industry, which is why this partnership is so important,” Hank Hernandez, chief executive officer of Las Palmas Medical Center, said. “Through our wellness program and the addition of this health center, we are creating a culture of health by providing the resources to encourage, support and afford our employees and their families the opportunity to live healthier, more productive lives.”

An H2U Health Center can reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and lower costs by improving access to care, keeping employees healthy while managing healthcare delivery costs. Unlike other convenient care clinics, however, the Las Palmas Medical Center health center provides care coordination with the hospital, if necessary, and affiliated physician practices.

Access to convenient and affordable care at or near the worksite is an emerging trend that will help employers of all sizes address their workforce health and wellness needs. Employees of participating employers will also have access to the nationwide network of employer-sponsored H2U Health Centers.

“Improving the health of our employees and their families is our first priority,” Hernandez said. “We consider this health center to be an investment in our employees, as well as the future of Las Palmas Medical Center, that will help us focus more on preventing illness and helping both our employees and individuals in our community lead healthier lives.”