We’ve brought kidney transplant services home – where they belong – for the nearly 2,000 dialysis patients living in our community. Since 2009, The Kidney Transplant Center at Las Palmas Medical Center has successfully performed transplants, making it possible for patients to receive these services close to home.


Transplant services at Las Palmas Medical Center is the only program specifically designed to meet the unique language and cultural requirements of our community. Care is provided through the expertise of our transplant professionals including a board-certified transplant surgeon with more than 500 successful local transplants, board certified transplant nephrologist and board certified laparoscopic donor surgeon.

Complete Self-Referral Application Here

Organ donation

Donating organs makes a serious impact on the life of others. You can make a difference in the lives of as many as 50 people by choosing to donate your organs when you die.

Signing up is as simple as clicking on the link below!

You can learn more about organ donation at the web sites below.

Organdonor.gov – The official government website that provides basic information on donation. It also includes links for research and ideas for getting involved in organ donation education.

Donate Life – The official UNOS website discusses organ donation and tells stories of hope.

Kidney Transplant Program Application

We want to make sure your application process is as smooth as possible. To get started, please complete the application (aplicacion en Español aqui) and remember to sign it. A complete application is essential for us to process your request without delay. Once the application is completed, please email it to us.

If you need a helping hand while filling out your application, feel free to call us at (915) 264-7800, and our friendly team will be happy to assist you.

Transplant recipient information

ESRD and kidney transplants

What is ESRD?

In Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), kidneys lose their ability to function or work correctly. When a person’s kidneys function at 15% or less, he or she is diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Survival depends on dialysis or a kidney transplant.

What is a transplant?

A transplant is major surgery, which puts one person’s kidney (donor kidney) into another person’s body. The donor kidney must be compatible with blood and tissue in order for the donated kidney to function.

What are the types of transplant?

Deceased Donor kidney: A kidney is donated from a person who has died and then had organs removed for donation.

Living Donor kidney: A kidney is donated from a person who is still alive and has chosen to donate. People who can choose to donate include parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, wives, husbands, friends, or co-workers of the recipient.

What are the selection criteria for recipients?

Recipients must meet certain requirements in order to be considered for a transplant. These requirements are based on a person’s health and well-being. Call the transplant center to learn more about the requirements.

What is the process or recipients in the transplant evaluation?

An application is required, which must include information from the patient’s medical record. Once the Transplant Coordinator has determined that a patient meets the Selection Criteria, insurance information will be verified. After attending a class to learn about transplants, the patient must complete tests and meet with the Transplant Team to determine if a transplant is the best decision for the patient.

What tests does the transplant evaluation include?

Some of the tests required for an evaluation include blood work, urine samples, ultrasounds, x-rays, and stress tests.

Transplant orientation

Living donor information

Learn More About Living Kidney Donation

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