by Las Palmas Del Sol

In honor of Donate Life Month, Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare is educating the public about organ donation. Currently more than 120,000 men, women and children are awaiting life-saving organ transplants; however, only 35 percent of El Paso County residents are registered donors.

Since 2009, the Kidney Transplant Center at Las Palmas Medical Center has successfully performed hundreds of transplants in El Paso. For those considering becoming an organ donor, the Kidney Transplant Center at Las Palmas Medical Center is sharing the following facts about organ donation:

  • Anyone can be a potential donor regardless of age, race or medical history.
  • Individuals considered for living donation are usually between 16 and 60 years of age.
  • Kidneys are the most common organs donated by living donors.
  • There is no cost to the donor or their family for organ or tissue donation.
  • When you are on the waiting list for an organ, what really counts is the severity of your illness, time spent waiting, blood type and other important medical information, not your financial or celebrity status.

If you are considering becoming an organ donor, you are encouraged to register and to discuss your wishes with your family.

As of April 2014, 121,000 patients are on the national waiting list for an organ donation—more than 11,000 are from Texas. Learn about the Donate Life Texas Registry.

tags: transplant