by Las Palmas Del Sol

Del Sol offers the latest services to treat chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis affects approximately 37 million people in the U.S. each year. The most frequently used treatments for sinusitis are medical therapies and / or conventional sinus surgery. With Balloon Sinuplasty™, many patients are experiencing relief from headaches, pressure and nasal discharge. Performed by board-certified specialists, this minimally invasive procedure is safe and effective, and patients often experience faster recovery than with conventional sinus surgery Del Sol brings Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery – called Balloon Sinuplasty™. Del Sol brings this new technology, which enables sinus suffers to enjoy the quality of life.

To learn more about our FREE Sinus Relief Seminars visit the Events and Calendar page.

Four-step Balloon Sinuplasty™ Illustration. This alternative solution in endoscopic sinus surgery uses minimally invasive sinus balloon catheters to position a balloon into the blocked sinus passageway. The balloon is then inflated to gently restructure and open the sinus passageway, restoring normal sinus drainage and function often without tissue or bone removal.